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Professorship for Physical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Müge Kasanmascheff

Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Chemie und Chemische Biologie
Physikalische Chemie
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6
44227 Dortmund

Room: C2-05-106

E-Mail: muege.kasanmaschefftu-dortmundde
Phone: +49 231 755 3743


Portrait Müge Kasanmascheff © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund


27/01/2025 Another wonderful collaboration with Prof. Max Hansmann (please link his webpage) leading to another great manuscript. The story on carbon centred radicals continues with an Angewandte Chemie (10.1002/anie.202424166) paper! Huge congrats to Yury, Taichi and everyone involved.
20/01/2025 The new year began with amazing news. Our story on the minimal FeFe-hydrogenase is accepted in Angewandte Chemie (10.1002/anie.202424167)! This is Melanie’s third first author paper, and Sergius’ and Victor’s first contributions within the group. Congrats everyone and thanks for the great collaboration, Dimitrios. (please highlight Dimitrios’ name and put his webpage:
07/01/2025 Juliane just joined the lab as a postdoc! She is an expert when it comes to structure of metalloproteins, especially one of our favorites, RNR. We are thrilled to have her on board. Have fun with EPR!
24/12/2024 Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!
06/12/2024 Our group was behind the scenes for the Christmas Party for the whole department this year. It was a really nice evening with the group and the people from the physical chemistry department too!
15/10/2024 Müge gave a talk at Imperial College London. It was so great to chat and share ideas about science. Thanks so much for the invite, Dr. Maxie Rössler! It was great to see you again.
23/09/2024 Sergius went to the Summer School on Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Complexes at MPI-CEC. He enjoyed it a lot and learnt so much!
09/09/2024 Sergius gave a talk at EFEPR. It was his first time speaking at an international conference, and he did a great job! He showed off his results on triplet vinylidenes.
02/09/2024 Melanie's daughter, the youngest member of the group, arrived healthy! We're so happy for Melanie and her family. We're really looking forward to meeting her.
26/08/2024 Müge gave a keynote lecture at EuroBIC. It was her first time at a bioinorganic chemistry conference. It was amazing, with so many great talks and scientists!
30/06/2024 Müge gave a talk at EUROMAR in Bilbao. It was great to catch up with old friends, listen to some great talks, eat some delicious food and experience a bit of Basque country!
26/06/2024 The group had a nice day outside in the woods playing Discgolf. This lovely day ended with a nice dinner!
24/05/2024 Melanie’s side project resulted in a very nice paper on P450 monooxygenases (10.1002/cbic.202400098). Thank you very much for the nice collaboration, Dr. Carolin Mügge from RUB.
11/12/2023 Müge visited Prof. Martin Högbom in Stockholm, gave a talk and had great chats with top scientists about metalloproteins.
23/11/2023 Müge gave a GDCh talk in Erlangen. She had very interesting scientific conversations with the faculty members and great time with one of her collaborators Prof. Ingrid Span.
29/09/2023 Müge is promoted to full professor of Physical Chemistry. More exciting times ahead.
20/09/2023 Müge and Yury attended 44th Annual FGMR Discussion Meeting. It is always nice to meet old and new magnetic resonance friends!
21/08/2023 Simon’s first first-author paper on structure elucidation of DNA G-quadruplexes is accepted in Chemistry – A European journal ( And it is selected as hot paper! Congrats!
23/07/2023 Shari spent three weeks at Stockholm University as a visiting researcher as this years Rudolf-Chaudoire-Preis awardee (link:
25/06/2023 Melanie attended the International Hydrogenase Conference in Walla Walla, USA.
13/06/3023 Müge gave a talk as an invited speaker at the prestigious Telluride Conference on Biological and Bioinspired Redox Catalysis hold at Colorado, USA.
01/06/2023 Sergius joint our lab as a new PhD student. We are happy to welcome him!
24/05/2023 Shari gave a talk at the International Conference on EPR Spectroscopy and Imaging in Paris.
31/03/2023 Müge gave a talk about our research at the ‘Chemistry Day’ organized by our department.
30/03/2023 Yury gave a talk at the International Meeting of the EPR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry in Leeds, England.
06/02/2023 We are deeply shaken by the devastating earthquakes that have occurred in Müge’s home country Turkey.
01/02/2023 Due to Helium shortage we cannot do any experiments at the moment but friends all over the world help us bridge these times. Simon is visiting Prof. Nick Cox located at Canberra Australia. Melanie will conduct experiments at CNRS in Marseille. Özge will be in Dr. Maxie Rössler’s lab at Imperial Collage, London. Hope you will come back with lots of data and good memories!
13/01/2023 Shari defended her PhD thesis, the first PhD graduate of our lab. As expected, she did an amazing job. We are very proud of you Shari!
01/12/2022 Viktoria joined our lab for her PhD thesis. Wish you success and fun in the lab!
14/11/2022 We are happy to have Özge as our visiting Ph.D. scholar. She is here to learn the magic of EPR with us.
08/11/2022 We congratulate Thorsten and Viktoria for their successful MSc defenses. Wish you the best of luck in the future!
19/09/2022 We are happy to install our second state-of-the-art EPR spectrometer in our lab. Now we are able to do experiments at X- and Q-band frequencies and cryogenic temperatures. More exciting science from our lab is on the way!
12/09/2022 Congrats to Shari, who received the prestigious Ernst Award from GDCh for her in-cell EPR work. We are very proud of you!
07/06/2022 Huge congrats to Melanie for her second first-author paper published in Chemical Science!!! See research highlights and publications for details.
01/06/2022 Müge received the ‘Wissenschaftspreis 2022’ from Reinhard-Zellner-Stiftung. It is amazing to see that our work gets acknowledged.
05/04/2022 We feel honored to receive the Exploration Grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung. With this grant, we will develop a new spin-label for in-cell EPR studies.
17/03/2022 We are extremely happy that DFG just approved our grant proposal. This will help us to continue our work on G-quadruplexes with Prof. Guido Clever.
14/12/2021 Huge congrats to Yury: his first first author manuscript is accepted in JACS!!! Check ‘Research Highlights’ for details of his amazing work.
01/11/2021 Thorsten and Viktoria joined our group for their MSc theses. Wish you good luck in the lab!
03/09/2021 Melanie’s first first author paper is just accepted in Biophysical Reports! Huge congrats to Melanie, Dörte, Yury and to our collaboration partners from Happe Lab (RUB).
24/08/2021 Congratulations to Dörte for her successful MSc defence. We wish her best for her PhD journey in Austria!
01/07/2021 We are at the front cover of Angewandte Chemie!!! You can check our design in 'Research Highlights’.
01/05/2021 We are happy that Victor defended his MSc thesis successfully and joined us for his PhD.
12/04/2021 Shari’s first first author paper is out in Angewandte Chemie (highlighted as highly important paper). Huge congrats to Shari and Yury for the hard work!
08/12/2020 Congrats to Yury for his best presentation award at one of the most important magnetic resonance meetings, the Online EUROMAR Conference 2020!
25/11/2020 We congratulate Simon for his successful MSc defence, and we are happy to have him as one of our new PhD students!
16/10/2020 Huge congrats to Yury for the accepted paper as VIP in Angewandte Chemie. Check ‘Research Highlights’ for details.
07/02/2020 Many congrats to Shari and Simon for their best talk and poster awards at the 13. Tag der Chemie at TU Dortmund!
07/11/2019 Müge gave an invited talk at the University of Osnabrück (Invited by Prof. H-J. Steinhoff). 
02/09/2019 Yury, Melanie and Simon presented their work at EuroIsmar2019 in Berlin and at EFEPR2019 in Bratislava.
01/09/2019 Melanie started her PhD. She will continue to enjoy working on FeS clusters.
30/08/2019 A huge congrats to Yury for winning a Poster Prize at EuroIsmar 2019!
24/07/2019 Melanie defended her MSc thesis successfully. She did a very good job. Many congrats!
01/07/2019 Melis arrived from Turkey to do her one-month internship with us. Welcome!
20/06/2019 Dustin started his BSc thesis in our group. Have fun and good luck!
01/05/2019 We welcome Niklas, Jelena and Christian to our lab for their internships.
24/04/2019 Christoph successfully defended his MSc. thesis. Many congrats!!!
08/02/2019 Shari, Christoph and Victor presented our work at the ‘12th Tag der Chemie’. Good job guys!
01/11/2018 Our group is growing! We welcome Shari to our lab and wish her fun in the lab during her PhD
30/08/2018 We congratulate Simon and Victor for their successful bachelor defence! Wish you the best for your master studies.
08/08/2018 Müge’s son Josef Efe is born.
01/08/2018 We are very happy to welcome Dr. Yury Kutin and Melanie Hermanns to our group!
15/06/2018 We are extremely happy that our state-of-the-art 34 GHz EPR spectrometer with ENDOR capabilities is delivered and installed successfully
23/04/2018 Müge gives a talk at the University of Bonn - invited by research group of Prof. Olav Schiemann.
17-20/04/2018 Simon and Müge are off to MPI-CEC in Mühlheim to conduct some exciting EPR experiments.
09/04/2018 We are happy to welcome Christoph and Victor to our group! Wish you the best.
07/02/2018 Good news! Fonds der Chemischen Industrie approved our application for material cost allowances.
22/01/2018 Müge gave an invited talk at MPI for Molecular Physiology. Was great to have interesting scientific discussions!
08/01/2018 Simon and Müge will be in Freiburg during the week (RG Weber, Uni Freiburg) for TR-EPR measurements.
29/11/2017 Simon, Tim and Müge are off to Göttingen (RG Bennati, MPI) to do experiments. Excited!!!
06/11/2017 We are very happy that Simon joined our group for his BSc thesis.
15/10/2017 Tim has started his PhD in our lab. Wish you success and fun in the lab!
01/10/2017 Our ENDOR unit has already arrived.
27/07/2017 Great news! Our application for two EPR spectrometers has been approved.
20/07/2017 Müge present at the 20th ISMAR Meeting held in Quebec City, Canada.