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Application & Enrollment

There is a local NC for the teacher training program (2-subject bachelor). If you want to study Chemistry, you must apply for the Educational Science program by July 15th. If you have an admission for the educational sciences, you can enroll for the subject chemistry and a second subject of your choice (exception: subjects with restricted admission).

Information on application and enrollment can be found on the homepage of the TU Dortmund University in the portal "Prospective Students".

Prospective Students

You do not need to complete any internships before beginning your studies in the 1-subject Bachelor's programs in Chemistry and Chemical Biology or the teacher's education.

On our internet pages concerning our degree programs you will find information about our Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, departmental academic advisors and our structured PhD program.

Degree programs at the Department CCB

Information about language requirements, Start of Studies and special information on the Erasmus+-programme are available on the internet page for international students.