Conference lectures
* invited lecture
** keynote lecture
18. Membranolytic properties are curse and blessing
Conference: European detergents conference, Estrel Congress Center Berlin (lecture)
17. Mass spectrometry detergents identify lipopolysaccharide binding to bacterial membrane proteins*
Conference: 31st Bioorganic Chemistry Meeting, MPI Dortmund (lecture)
16. Nachhaltigkeitstransformation liefert neue Forschungsperspektiven
Conference: TU Dortmund Sustainability Week (GDCh, JCF) (lecture)
15. Mass spectrometry detergents with scalable properties identify a new type of protein-lipid interaction in Gram-negative bacteria***
Conference: Isolated Biomolecules and Biomolecular Interactions (IBBI), Timmendorfer Strand at the Baltic Sea (Germany)
14. A mass spectrometry detergent for membrane biochemistry
Conference: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, Westfalenhallen (lecture)
13. Towards a predictable detergent chemistry for reconstituted membrane studies
Conference: 11th Young Chemists Symposium Ruhr 2023, TU Dortmund University (lecture)
12. Experience report: How did I become a research group leader?
Seminar: Postdocs und Junior Faculty Graduate Center, TU Dortmund University (lecture)
11. Solving the scalability problem of detergents*
Conference: European Detergents Conference, Estrel Congress Center Berlin (lecture)
10. Enabling native mass spectrometry of membrane protein-lipid complexes*
Conference: Berlin University Alliance, Berlin (lecture)
9. How I built a career and a research group on soap bubbles*
Conference: Summer school at Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, Dortmund (lecture)
8. From detergents to drug discovery*
Conference: Collaborative Research Center 1208, HHU Düsseldorf (hybrid lecture)
7. Membrane laundering enabled by dendritic polymers*
Conference: European detergents conference, Germany (virtual lecture)
6. Oligoglycerol detergents for native mass spectrometry of membrane proteins*
Conference: SFB-GEM Meeting 2021 – Biophysics of Membranes and Beyond, France (virtual lecture)
5. Shaping up detergents for drug discovery
Conference: GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, Germany (virtual lecture)
4. Modular detergents tailor the purification and gas-phase analysis of membrane proteins
Conference: virtual Biomacromolecular SIG meeting, United Kingdom (virtual lecture)
3. Glycerol detergents facilitate the investigation of drug targets*
Conference: European detergents conference, Germany (virtual lecture)
2. Tailoring membrane mimetics for membrane protein research*
Conference: Minisymposium on Multivalent Nanomedicine, Freie Universität Berlin (lecture)
1. Oligoglycerol detergents for native mass spectrometry of membrane proteins**
Conference: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, WWU Münster (lecture)