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Teacher training courses

The following teacher training courses can be selected:

  • Levels at Gesamtschulen (comprehensive schools) with a study focus on Grundschulen (elementary schools) (previously primary level)
  • Teaching profession for Grundschulen (elementary schools), Haupt- (secondary modern schools) und Realschulen (junior high schools) and the corresponding levels
  • Teaching profession for Gymnasien (high schools) and Gesamtschulen (comprehensive schools)
  • Teacher profession for Berufskollegs (technical colleges)

The study focus "Haupt-/Realschule" requires the study of two subjects.


The study focus Grundschule requires the study of a second subject besides German or mathematics. Among others, this can be the field “natural sciences/social sciences”.

Further information in German

The training starts with a 6-term Bachelor phase during which interdisciplinary key competences in one field are imparted besides training in the selected subjects. This is followed by a Master phase which takes 4 terms. Besides further study of the subjects priority is given to the pedagogical and didactic training for the teaching profession.

Information about the multi-level courses for the subjects chemistry in German