Ongoing Projects
DFG - Sachbeihilfe "Linker molecules convert fluorescent dyes into functional probes", CO 879/6-1 (2024-2027)
ERC Proof of Concept Grant “Bio-Linker” (2024-2025)
DFG - Sachbeihilfe "Single-transporter biochemistry: real-time observation of substrate transport and energy conversion of primary-active membrane transporters", CO 879/4-1 (2022-2025)
Finished projects
BMBF "quantumFRET" with Böhringer Ingelheim and Nanotemper Technologies (2020-2023)
Sub-project in Innovative Training Network "NeuroTrans", H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 (2020-2024)
Researcher exchange Australia (2020-2021)
PhD scholarship for Christian Gebhardt (2019-2021)
CSC PhD and Postdoctoral fellowships for Zhongying Han (2018-2021), Yuan Gu (2018-2021) and Dr. Peng Zhou (2019-2021)
DFG - SFB863: Project A13 "Fundamental forces of ATP-driven transport" (2018-2021)
Postdoctoral fellowships for: Dr. Niels Zijlstra (2018-2020) & Dr. Lei Zhang (2018-2021)
ERC Starting Grant “SM-IMPORT” (2015-2020)
DFG - GRK2062: Project C03 (2017-2020)
LMUexcellent investment funding (2018)
CeNS collaborative funding (2017)
CiPSM support for protein purification facilities (2017)