Prof. Dr. Thorben Cordes
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Chemie und Chemische Biologie
Physikalische Chemie
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: CP-01-162
E-Mail: thorben.cordestu-dortmundde
Phone.: +49 231 755 3900
Andrea Jeworrek
Room: CP-01-161
E-Mail: andrea.jeworrektu-dortmundde
Phone.: +49 231 755 5042
12/2024: Welcome to Dr. Mostofa Ataur Rohman who joins our lab as an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc - congratulations on obtaining the grant and welcome to the lab!
11/2024: Welcome to Dortmund Siyu Lu - on a fruitful continuation of your PhD here! - We start with a common publication on functional dyes with a previous postdoc from our lab at Nanjing Tech University - Dr. Lei Zhang.
10/2024: Congrats Gabriel, the team and our collaborators from Hebrew U on two new papers on compact microscopy-setups and their applications to virus detection - we were happy to see that our article got even featured in Nature.
10/2024: Hongbin Wu moves from Munich to Dortmund to start his PhD - welcome Hongbin!
09/2024: Dr. Thomas Peulen joins the BPC group - a warm welcome!
09/2024: The Cordes lab "Biophysical Chemistry" starts officially in Dortmund.
08/2024: Setting up an µsALEX confocal and refurbishing our MicroTime 200 - Exciting to see our first single-molecules in the new lab!