* corresponding author
28. A.K. Singh*, M. Seewald, B. Schade, C. Zoister, R. Haag, L.H. Urner*
Chemical linkers switch triglycerol detergents from bacterial protein purification to mild antibiotic amplification
Commun. Chem. 2025, 8, 70,
27. J.-S. Behnke *, N. Zink, C.J.M. Schölzel, I. Beimdick, L.H. Urner, V. Wycisk*
Combining Ionic Groups with Methallyl Dichloride Coupling Delivers New Pathways to Ionic/Non-Ionic Hybrid Detergents
ChemPlusChem, 2025, e202400753,
26. L. Nielinger, K. Alker, W. Hiller, L.H. Urner*
Diffusion Coefficient Analysis by Dynamic Light Scattering enables Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration
ChemPlusChem, 2024, e202400645,
Poster Prize: Division of Detergent Chemistry Award (GDCh)
25. K. Kirschbaum*, K. Greis, S. Gewinner, W. Schöllkopf, G. Meijer, G. von Helden, K. Pagel, L.H. Urner*
Structure and Conformation Determine Gas-Phase Infrared Spectra of Detergents
ChemPlusChem, 2024, e202400340,
24. V. Wycisk*, J.-S. Behnke, L. Nielinger, M. Seewald, J. Weisner, M. Binsch, M.-C. Wagner, T. Raisch, L.H. Urner*
Synthesis of Asymmetric Ionic Hybrid Detergents enables Micelles with Scalable Properties including Cell Compatibility
Chem. Eur. J., 2024, e202401833,
23. M. Seewald, L. Nielinger, K. Alker, J.-S. Behnke, V. Wycisk, L.H. Urner*
Detergent Chemistry Modulates the Transgression of Planetary Boundaries including Antimicrobial Resistance and Drug Discovery
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202403833,
Interview: Three questions to L.H. Urner asked by Humboldtn
22. L.H. Urner*, F. Fiorentino, D. Shutin, J.B. Sauer, M.T. Agasid, T.J. El-Baba, J.R. Bolla, P.J. Stansfeld, C.V. Robinson*
Detergents with Scalable Properties Identify Noncanonical Lipopolysaccharide Binding to Bacterial Inner Membrane Proteins
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024,146, 11025-11030,
Press release: TU Dortmund University
Feature article: Wiley Analytical Science
21. V. Wycisk*, M.-C. Wagner, L.H. Urner*
Trends in the Diversification of the Detergentome
ChemPlusChem, 2023, e202300386,
Cover art invited and sponsored by ChemPlusChem
20. C.A. Lutomski, T.J. El-Baba, J.D. Hinkle, I. Liko, J.L. Bennett, N.V. Kalmankar, A. Dolan, C. Kirschbaum, K. Greis, L.H. Urner, P. Kapoor, H.-Y. Yen, K. Pagel, C. Mullen, J.E.P. Syka, C.V. Robinson*
Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Enables Top-Down Characterization of Membrane Protein Complexes and G Protein-Coupled Receptors
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202305694,
19. L.H. Urner*, F. Junge, F. Fiorentino, T.J. El-Baba, D. Shutin, G. Nölte, R. Haag, C.V. Robinson*
Rationalizing the optimization of detergents for membrane protein purification
Chem. Eur. J., 2023, e202300159,
18. V. Wycisk, L.H. Urner*
Protocol to test the utility of detergents for E. coli membrane protein extraction and delipidation
STAR Protoc., 2023, 4, 1-18,
17. J.-S. Behnke, L.H. Urner*
Emergence of mass spectrometry detergents for membrane proteomics
Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2023,
Invited paper in the special issue: Young Investigators in (Bio-)Analytical Chemistry 2023
16. L.H. Urner*, A. Ariamajd, A. Weikum
Combinatorial synthesis enables scalable designer detergents for membrane protein studies
Chem. Sci., 2022,
Selected for the 2022 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection
15. L.H. Urner*
Tailoring Purification and Analysis of Membrane Proteins with Modular Detergents
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, In: Mus-Veteau, I. (eds) Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2507. Humana, New York, NY.
14. L.H. Urner*
Advances in membrane mimetics and mass spectrometry for understanding membrane structure and function
Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 2022, 69, 102157
13. L.H.Urner*, I. Liko, K. Pagel, R. Haag, C.V. Robinson
Non-ionic hybrid detergents for protein delipidation
BBA Biomembranes, 2022, 183958
Invited paper in the special issue: Protons at bio-interfaces
2019 - 2021
12. L.H. Urner*, E. Mohammadifar, K. Ludwig, D. Shutin, F. Fiorentino, I. Liko, F.G. Almeida, D. Kutifa, R. Haag, C.V. Robinson*
Anionic dendritic polyglycerol for protein purification and delipidation
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 5903-5911
11. M. Agasid, L. Sørensen, L.H. Urner, J. Yun, C.V. Robinson*
The effect of sodium ions on ligand binding and conformational states of GPCRs – insights from mass spectrometry
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 4085-4089
10. L.H. Urner*, K. Goltsche, M, Seelent, M.-P. Schweder, I. Liko, C.V. Robinson, K. Pagel, R. Haag
Dendritic oligoglycerol regioisomer mixtures and their utility for membrane protein research
Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 2537-2542
9. L.H. Urner*, M. Schulze, Y.B. Maier, W. Hoffmann, S. Warnke, I. Liko, K. Folmert, C. Manz, C.V. Robinson, R. Haag, K. Pagel*
A new azobenzene-based design strategy for detergents in membrane protein research
Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 3538-3546
8. L.H. Urner, I. Liko, H.-Y. Yen, K.-K. Hoi, J.R. Bolla, J. Gault, F.G. Almeida, M.-P. Schweder, D. Shutin, S. Ehrmann, R. Haag*, C.V. Robinson*, K. Pagel*
Modular detergents tailor the purification and structural analysis of membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors
Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 564
7. L.H. Urner*, B. Schade, M. Schulze, K. Folmert, R. Haag, K. Pagel
Switchable solubility of azobenzene‐based bolaamphiphiles
ChemPhysChem, 2019, 20, 1690-1697
6. L.H. Urner, Y.B. Maier, R. Haag, K. Pagel*
Exploring the potential of dendritic oligoglycerol detergents for protein mass spectrometry
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2019, 30, 174-180
2014 - 2018
5. H.V. Schröder, A. Mekic, H. Hupatz, S. Sobottka, F. Witte, L.H. Urner, M. Gaedke, K. Pagel, B. Sarkar, B. Paulus, C.A. Schalley*
Switchable synchronisation of pirouetting motions in a redox-active [3]rotaxane
Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 21425-21433
4. K. Huth, T. Heek, K. Achazi, C. Kuehne, L.H. Urner, K. Pagel, J. Dernedde, R. Haag*
Noncharged and charged monodendronised perylene bisimides as highly fluorescent labels and their bioconjugates
Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 4849-4862
3. B.N.S. Thota*, L.H. Urner, R. Haag
Supramolecular architectures of dendritic amphiphiles in water
Chem. Rev., 2016, 116, 2079-2102
2. L.H. Urner, B.N.S. Thota, O. Nachtigall, S. Warnke, G. von Helden, R. Haag, K. Pagel*
Online monitoring the isomerization of an azobenzene-based dendritic bolaamphiphile using ion mobility-mass spectrometry
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 8801-8804
1. O. Nachtigall, C. Kördel, L.H. Urner, R. Haag*
Photoresponsive switches at surfaces based on supramolecular functionalization with azobenzene-oligoglycerol conjugates
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 9669-9673
Patent Applications
L.H. Urner, F. Fiorentino, M. Agasid, D. Shutin, K. Pagel, R. Haag, C.V. Robinson
Hybrid detergents for the analysis of membrane proteins
UK patent application no. 2106700.4, filed: 11.05.2021
L.H. Urner, K. Pagel, S. Ehrmann, C.V. Robinson, I. Liko, H.-Y. Yen
Dendritic detergents for the analysis of proteins by mass spectrometry
UK patent application no. 1814356.0, WO2020/049294, filed: 04.09.2018
Highlighted References
New detergents for drug research
TU Dortmund University, published: 2022
The State of NRW Funding a New Junior Research Group at TU Dortmund University
TU Dortmund University, published: 2022
Modulare Detergenzien für GPCRs & Co
Wiley Analytical Science, published: 2021
Waschen und Wiegen für neue Wirkstoffe, Die forschenden Pharma-Unternehmen, published: 2020
Tipp 227: Neue Putzmittel für Membranproteine, Laborjournal
Laborjournal, published: 2020
Tree-like Detergent Molecules for Membrane Proteins
Freie Universität Berlin, published: 2020
“Trans Pro Idee”-Kurs ausgezeichnet: Forschungsideen erfolgreich umsetzen
Tagesspiegel, published: 2015