Jacopo De Capitani
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Chemie und Chemische Biologie
Chemische Biologie
Otto-Hahn-Straße 4a
44227 Dortmund
Room: CP-02-189
E-Mail: jacopo.decapitanitu-dortmundde
Phone:+49 231 755 8878
I received my B.Sc. in Biotechnology from UCL, London, UK. I then moved to Imperial College London, UK for my M.Res. in Systems and Synthetic Biology. There I joined the Freemont group, where I focused on ways to encode and manipulate information in DNA-based digital relational databases. This sparked my interest in the generation of controlled biological models capable of mimicking complex systems and processes both in vitro and in silico, which led me to join the Mutschler lab in 2020 to work on the development synthetic cell-free systems capable of self-replication and self-maintenance. My experiences have helped me build a varied skillset, ranging from synthetic biology and protein biochemistry to bioinformatics and data analysis. Outside of the lab, I love reading, cycling, swimming, and preparing and hosting quizzes.