Prof. hc. Dr. Michael Edmund Beck
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Chemie und Chemische Biologie
Chemische Biologie
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Bayer AG, division CropScience
Computational Life Science
Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50
40789 Monheim am Rhein
E-Mail: michael.beckbayercom
LinkedIn: Michael Edmund Beck

Selected Publications:
1. M. Koch, O. Schaudt, G. Mogk, H. Berg, M.E. Beck,
“A Variational Ansatz for Taylorized Imaginary Time Evolution for Quantum Computing”,
ACS Omega (2023)
2. T. Grabe, K. Jeyakumar, J. Niggenaber, T. Schulz, S. Koska, S. Kleinboelting, M.E. Beck, M.P. Müller, D. Rauh,
“Addressing the Osimertinib Resistance Mutation EGFR-L858R/C797S with Reversible Aminopyrimidines”,
ACS Med. Chem. Lett. (2023)
3. J. Haas, E. Beck, B.J.Troczka, A. Hayward, G. Hertlein, M. Zaworra, B. Lueke, B. Buer, F. Maiwald, M.E. Beck, B. Nebelsiek, J. Glaubitz, Ch. Bass, R. Nauen,
“A hymenopteran-specific family of cytochrome P450s protect bee pollinators from toxic nectar alkaloids”,
Sci. Adv. 9, eadg0885 (2023)
4. M.E. Beck, J. Negroni, S. Matthiesen, M. Kohnen, Ch. Riplinger,
“A binding mode hypothesis for Prothioconazole binding to CYP51 derived from first principles quantum chemistry”,
J. Comput. Aided. Mol. Des.;35(4):493-503 (2021)
5. M.E. Beck, Ch. Riplinger, F. Neese, G. Bistoni,
“Quantitatively unravelling individual Host-Guest Interactions in Molecular Recognition from first Principles Quantum Mechanics”,
J. Comput. Chem. 42(12), 293-302, (2020)
6. R. Tesch, Ch. Becker, M. Ph. Müller, M.E. Beck, L.Quambusch, M. Getlik, J. Lategahn, N. Uhlenbrock, F. Nascimento Costa, M.D. Polêto, Sena Murteira Pinheiro, D. Alencar Rodrigues, C. Mauricio Sant’Anna, F. Furlan Ferreira, H. Verli, C. A. Manssour Fraga, D. Rauh,
„An Unusual Intramolecular Halogen Bond guides Conformational Selection“,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 26, 9970-9975 (2018)
7. M.E. Beck, O. Gutbrod, S. Matthiesen,
“Insight into the Binding Mode of Agonists of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor from Calculated Electron Densities”,
ChemPhysChem, (2015), 13, 2760-2767, Highlight article in issue 13 of ChemPhysChem
8. L. Ratjen, P. Garcia-Garcia, F. Lay, M.E. Beck, B. List,
"Disulfonimide-Catalysed Asymmetric Vinylogous- and Bisvinylogous Makaiyama Aldol Reactions",
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 754-758 (2011)
9. A. Koslowski, M.E. Beck, W. Thiel,
"Implementation of a general multireferencecon_guartion interaction procedure with analytic gradients in a semiempirical context using the graphical unitary group approach",
J. Comput. Chem., 24, 707-713 (2003)