HPLC/Mass Spectrometry
Lab management: Stephanie Schulz
The HPLC/MS department is part of the organic chemistry, but samples are accepted and processed by the entire department.
The equipment includes one preparative, two analytical and two semi-preparative HPLC systems from Knauer. Furthermore, a Waters HPLC system with coupled mass spectrometer and TLC-MS interface is available.
Analytical HPLC systems
The first system consists of:
- a Smartline Pump 1000 with 10ml pump head
- the Degasser Smartline Manager 5000
- a Smartline Autosampler 3900
- a Jetstream column oven
- a Smartline UV-Detector 2600
- a Smartline RI-Detector 2300.

The second system also consists of:
- a Smartline pump 1000 with 10ml pump head
- the Degasser Smartline Manager 5000
- a Smartline Autosampler 3900
- a Smartline UV-Detector 2600
- a Smartline RI-Detector 2300.

Preparative HPLC system
The system consists of:
- a Smartline UV-Detector 2600
- a preparative Pump 1800 with 100ml pump head
- a Feed-pump Smartline Valve Drive with Smartline Pump 100 with 10 ml pump head.

Semi-preparative HPLC systems
The first system consists of:
- a Smartline UV Detector 2600
- two high pressure gradient pumps Smartline Pump 1000 with 50ml pump head
- the Degasser Smartline Manager 5000
- a Feed-Pump Smartline Valve Drive with Smartline Pump 100.

The second system is identical in construction. Furthermore, the peaks can be collected with the fraction collector Foxy R1.

The analytical systems and the semi-preparative system with fraction collector Foxy R1 are operated with the software Clarity Chrom Version, the semi-preparative system without fraction collector and preparative system are operated with the software Clarity Preparative Version
The LC-MS system is operated with the software Empower 3 Version Fr2.
The HPLC-MS system consists of:
- a Waters Alliance e2695 Separation Module
- a 2998 PDA Detector
- the ACQUITY QDa Detector, it is a single quadrupole mass spectrometer with ESI source
The mass range of the system is between m/z: 30 and 1250. - TLC-MS interface of the brand Camag.

Auto sampler